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May 2022
's Top Story

So Long Farewell!

We Say Goodbye To Mr. Jenkins

May 2022
's Top Story

So Long Farewell!

We Say Goodbye To Mr. Jenkins

Our famous editor-in-chief interviewing people for the Bulldog Union (Noah Jenkins/The Cloud)
Other Contributors
Our famous editor-in-chief interviewing people for the Bulldog Union (Noah Jenkins/The Cloud)

To the Readers of The Cloud

I first started journalism at Saint Cloud High School in 2019 when, due to a hole in my schedule, I joined in what I thought was a throwaway elective. By Christmas time, moving into 2020, myself and others, such as our very own Brianna C (who is also graduating), were already planning how to revamp The Cloud and make it even better. We had high hopes: a larger staff, a radio station/podcast (which will be finally coming to fruition next year!), but greatest of all a new and improved website.

Then you know what happened and we were all sent home, along with most of our grandiose plans.           

Photo of Noah back in 2006 (Noah Jenkins/The Cloud)

I was still committed to having a new website, though. In August, Mrs. Fry and the returning staff shared my mission and three months later thecloudschs.com was born for all to see. The most notable aspect of this website I am about to leave after almost two years of constant work and updates is that it was made completely from scratch. Nothing. It took vision, passion, and determination to produce the product you see before you today; but above all that none of this could have happened if it were not the people I worked with to get here: the aforementioned Brianna and Emma T who has taken the reins from me, not to mention The Cloud’s alumni I will soon be joining and, of course, Mrs. Laura Fry.

To Emma: this is a big responsibility, and I know you’ll make me and the rest of us proud. Don’t forget to preview site changes before publishing!

And to my fellow students, staff, and teachers: thank you for an amazing four years. I remember walking on campus in August 2018 lost in the sea of young adulthood. I still felt like a little schoolboy, but because of the influence and support you all have provided I now feel ready to face the world. It’s funny how some things end up. That first day on campus I recall sitting alone on the red benches in the picnic area between buildings one and two. It wasn’t that no one would talk to me, rather it was just that I was that strange kid dressed in a white shirt, khaki pants, and brown boots armed with a black briefcase.  

Now, almost four years later, I look the same (except for my burgundy loafers) but the dynamic is completely different. Recently, someone told me that I was the most popular person at school. Now, I doubt that is true (and it probably better that way) but the meaning behind it is quite touching. I obviously have risen from obscurity in the last four years but I didn’t have to change who I was or compromise my values to do so. To me, that says so much about our Saint Cloud community: that you all were able to see me, with all my perculitaries, and still hold mutual respect for me. That is something I will never forget and hold in my heart forever.

The Official Staff For The Cloud Stand Together (Noah Jenkins/The Cloud)

And to the Class of 2022: Well! All I have to say is we are going to blink and we are going to be congratulating the Class of 2042. Time is the slowest thing that goes fast as I like to say (actually I just make up that terrible saying right now) and it is precious, just like our time here was. Please don’t waste it. Someone (I forget who) wisely said every second used for nonsense and useless things are seconds less for good, upstanding, and fulfilling things. I hate to go “dad mode” now but you all have meant so much to me that I want to only hear good things at our class reunion in 20-odd years.

Alright, I’m done. Godspeed to you all! Now and forevermore,

Noah Jenkins

(Former!) Editor-in-Chief, The Cloud