For the 2023-2024 school year, homecoming spirit week began with various themes and student participation. Many can agree that it’s great to see the creativity and support as homecoming approaches. It allows students to experience a week at school that’s out of their ordinary routine. With that in mind, the week led to a tough decision for those wondering what day received the most student participation.
Color wars took over the week as students proudly showed their pride throughout campus. Color wars is a day for all students to express their school spirit as they represent their graduating class in support of the pep rally. Students expressed their creativity with senior crowns, jeans, and paint, it showcased everyone’s different takes on the day.
Teachers also played a significant role as they recognized the most popular day. For instance, Mrs. Paulino’s take on Color wars, “I worked at Gateway for a long time, and they didn't have a lot of school spirit, the spirit was there but not like how I see it here. Um and honestly it reminded me like when I was in high school, we had a school that had a lot of school spirit and so I think it is nice, I think it makes it like a culture where kids wanna come in because it is part of like a community.” Spirit week enlightens our experience here at Saint Cloud, as we all get to connect and be a part of something.
To conclude, Color wars was a day for students to represent their grade level and show their school spirit. Teachers were able to experience and be a part of our school's pride