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Volunteering in a Pandemic

A Challenge in the Pandemic

February 22, 2021 1:13 PM
Volunteering programs are fundamentally changed with the pandemic, especially with masking (Joel Muniz/Unsplash)
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Note: This story was originally produced over a month ago. Information, dates, predictions, and other details may be outdated.

There are many volunteering clubs and organizations at SCHS that do many different things for the community we live in and enjoy. Because of the unforeseen pandemic, some clubs have been forced to meet on different schedules than normal. They must meet in alternate locations or not at all. Even though their schedules have had to be rearranged, postponed, or cancelled, they still find other ways to help others, be it students, parents, faculty, or just members of our lovely community.  

SCHS volunteers, like those pictured here, do much to aid and develop their community (Anna Earl/Unsplash)

Not all members of these clubs can attend meetings or even school because of the position they are in, but they have still found ways to help out and not just be responsible students and leaders but responsible young adults and upstanding members our community. Some students have spent their time volunteering at their local library. Their volunteer work consists putting new books on the shelves for others to read, putting other books back in their proper place in the section they belong in, and helping visitors to find the book.

These students have also taken up trying to help their parents, siblings, friends and families in any way they really can. They help in ways such as checking the mail, taking out the garbage, washing dishes, and more. These students have truly proven to be a symbol of what our school is about. Some students have also tried to help in their neighborhood by walking a neighbor's dog, babysitting, mowing their lawn, and even just offering to carry in groceries for a neighbor if they see that they are struggling and have too much to handle at once.

These students are trying to help their friends, family, and neighbors in need because this lockdown situation has been rough on most of us in ways that we may not have predicted could happen. It’s because of these exemplary students and other courageous citizens we will be able to make the best of the situation that has trapped us all in our houses for these many months.

These volunteering clubs may or may not have to stop meeting the way they used to at school, but they are still doing things to help the students of SCHS and the people who live in our community.

A Message From The Cloud's Generous Sponsor: